Tag Archives for " #time management "

How to Accomplish More with Project Management

Yes you can accomplish more with project management and who doesn’t want to accomplish more? Today you have so many competing priorities. When you use a system to help you manage those priorities you will feel happier and less stressed.

What is Project Management

Project management is a methodology or way of doing things with structure and ease.  You can use project management for work and home projects. The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines a project as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.

By applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project tasks, to help meet the project goals, you  are using project management. Here’s how it works.Continue reading

Increase Productivity on Purpose

increase productivity tips with Lisa Harvey Roach

Would you like to increase productivity in your business and life? Do you operate with clear intentions? Do you intend to be great or just average? When you are productive on purpose, you are able to lead yourself and others to leave a lasting legacy. You realize that activity is not the same as productivity. Continue reading